
Interest Section on Resume: 4 Best Tips + Example

interest section on resume

One of the most underrated sections when creating a resume would be the Interests section on resume. But wait, what’s the difference between an interest and a hobby?

Interests are topics about which a person is interested and wants to learn more. Hobbies are recreational activities and interests done for enjoyment or relaxation – most people would combine the two together since they are interchangeable in nature.

Interest Section on Resume: Yes or No?

You should include the Interest section on resume if you do not have extensive work experience – especially for fresh graduates.

Your hobbies and interests will help hiring managers and recruiters in getting to know you better. As a fresh graduate, if you include extracurricular activities as your interests, you’ll most likely be perceived as an all-rounded individual – instead of just being a student.

When should you NOT include the Interest section on resume? The answer is if you don’t have helpful hobbies and interests that will help you in securing the job – More on that later.  

Need help in writing the Interest section on resume? Here are our best tips for you.

Interest Section on Resume: Best Tips

1. Do Your Research

The best way to ensure that your Interest section works in favour of you is to do your own research on the company and applied job position before editing your resume.

You should first try to understand the company’s culture by visiting their website, social media accounts, etc. Also, analyse the job advertisement to understand the ideal talent that they are looking for.

Sometimes, you’ll get really lucky as the job requirements will explicitly specify the kind of people they’re looking to hire. For example, a language translator job ad would have specified the kind of languages that applicants are required to have.

2. Your Value Proposition

Once you’re able to confirm these items, it’s time to evaluate yourself to see if you do have the hobbies and interests that are able to relate to these requirements.

You may then choose a few hobbies and/or interests that are relatable to the job requirements and add them to your Interest section on resume. 

Also, it’s not enough to just list them down. It’s more crucial for you to elaborate on each interest and even to back them up with numbers. Here’s an example of how to include the Interest section on resume:

Hobbies and Interests

  • Learning new languages – I have been learning a new language every year, namely Spanish, German and Korean.
  • Travelling – I put my language proficiency to use whenever I have the chance to Travel overseas. It helps me in consistently improving my skills.
  • Blogging – I’m keen to always share my experience being in other countries, including their people, language, food, etc. This also helps to sharpen my writing and social media skills.

3. Stay Moderate

Even though the Interest section can ASSIST in portraying your profile as an all-rounded talent, listing too many hobbies and interests may cause more harm than good, as employers may think that you are over-compensating for your lack of experience.

Keep your Interest section on resume short. It should NOT be the focus of your resume, just a separate section with a few lines to list down your most relevant hobbies and interests and brief descriptive sentences.

4. Be Professional & Honest

When it comes to hobbies and interests, make sure that it is professional and relevant to the job application. Refrain from including “Sleeping” and “Eating” for example.

When applying for any jobs in Malaysia, you should also avoid the following in your hobbies and interest section on resume – Interests that are:

  • General and vague
  • Illegal and dangerous
  • Related to religion and politics
  • Too private and intimate

More importantly, be honest. Do not add hobbies and interests that you’ve never participated in and/or interested in just because of the research that you’ve done for the job application. 

Honestly is the best policy here – imagine being asked to translate documents because you lied and it was stated in your Interest section on resume. 

Closing Remarks

That’s a wrap! Now, you’ll have a better understanding of writing the Interest section on resume. As mentioned, this section should not be the main focus and it is normally not required in a resume. 

Need more help on how to write a resume for jobs in Malaysia? Head on to our Job Majestic Youtube Channel for more Fresh Graduates Interview Tips today!


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