
6 Effective Job Application Email Tips for Fresh Graduates

Job Application Email Tips

Gone are the days of filling out a job application in person by hand. Technology allows us to apply for jobs from anywhere in the world with just a few clicks, such as the “EasyApply” button on LinkedIn and sending in a job application email.

For a foreseeable future, sending a job application via email is going to be the norm. Think of it as knocking on the employers’ doors, giving a positive first impression and delivering your elevator pitch before you hand in your resume and maybe visume.

You may have prepared an impressive cover letter and resume, but employers may not even read your resume if your job application email is terrible. To further improve the success of you securing an interview opportunity, here are our 6 impactful job application email tips for fresh graduates.

Job Application Email Tips for Fresh Graduates

1. Formal Email Address Only

You may have created a cute or funny email address a few years back. However, you are no longer a teenager and you will need to use a formal email address when applying for a formal job as a fresh graduate.

If you do not have a formal email address, just take 5 minutes of your life to create a new email account. There are no tricks – try to not use numbers and just include your full name. A formal email address proves your professionalism and boosts your credibility.

2. Use a Compelling Subject Line

Because hiring managers go through hundreds of emails every day, your email subject line must be easily noticeable to capture their attention. 

Keep the subject line short and free of errors. Email inboxes typically show up to 60 characters (12 to 14 words) of the subject line. Also take note that many emails are read on smartphones nowadays, which may show only 30 characters (6 to 8 words). 

The ideal subject line format would be: “Application for (Job Role) – (Name)”. For example, “Application for Digital Marketing Associate – John Doe”.

3. Address Your Recipient(s) Properly

Addressing hiring managers by stating “To whom it may concern” is not the way to go. The job market is competitive and it is an advantage for you to address them properly. 

Start by searching for their names on the job description and hiring notice. Next, do some research on their website and LinkedIn to find out their names and roles. Hiring managers are more likely to be impressed if you know who they are and what they do. 

If all else fails and you can only find a generic email of their HR department, you may address them by stating “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Sir or Madam”.

4. Keep It Simple and Concise

Firstly, avoid emojis and acronyms like “FYI” and “tbh” to keep your job application email formal and respectful. Next, it should not be lengthy. You should not just copy and paste your resume in the email. Instead, try this 3-part format:

The first part is your self-introduction – two sentences maximum. Introduce your name, where did you graduate from and what role are you applying for.

The second part is the most important section. Think of it as answering “Why should we hire you?”. Pick the best parts from your resume, personalise your profile, and highlight why you are the perfect fit for the role plus how you can add value to the company.

Since you have little to no working experience, it would be highly beneficial for you to highlight any of your technical skills, interpersonal skills and experience to further differentiate your profile from hundreds of applicants out there.

Lastly, complete the job application email by adding a Call to Action (CTA) section. Provide your accurate contact details, specify how the hiring managers can get in touch with you or when you’ll follow up on the job application with the hiring manager.

5. Proofread Your Job Application Email

Your job application email should not have any grammatical or spelling errors. This is to prove that you are meticulous and professional. Always proofread as Spell-check and Autocorrect do not always work. 

Make sure that your job application email is easy to read. Ask your friends and family members for a favour to help proofread your email. Read your email out loud to spot any mistakes and awkward sentences.

6. Don’t Neglect Your Attachments

It would be awkward if you send an application letter without the relevant attachments such as your cover letter, resume and visume. Here are a few tips on attachments:

  • Place large documents in a ZIP folder
  • Name your documents neatly and include your full name
  • Include links to your past works (articles, videos, websites) if necessary in the body of your email
  • Create links to Google Drive for large downloads
  • Word files can be distorted by differing versions of Microsoft Office
  • Avoid formats such as HTML, BMP, EPS due to compatibility issues
  • Send your documents as PDF as most systems can open it

Pulling It All Together

We hope that our job application email tips will be useful for you as a fresh graduate. It’s time to confidently send out your job application email along with your compelling cover letter and a skillfully written resume to land your dream job.

Remember that first impressions count, and putting more effort to perfect your job application email could be the key to unlock a whole new world of career opportunities

Read the Chinese version here: 6个毕业生求职电邮提示

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