
Passion or High Paying Jobs : A Common Dilemma for Fresh Graduates

Passion Or High Paying Jobs

I believe many fresh graduates face this question when choosing their future career paths: should they prioritise their passion or high paying jobs? Many would argue that passion is the right and better choice because they believe that without passion, one cannot stay in a job for long. Due to this mindset, many have chosen career paths based on their passions.

The Challenge of Identifying Passion

However, another question arises: what about those who do not know what their passion is? Since they are not aware of it, they may end up choosing a high paying job instead of one aligned with their interests. But is this decision wrong for them?

No Definitive Correct Answer

I believe that there is no definitive correct answer to this question, as it all depends on what we prioritise and want to pursue. As humans, we are all different, and that includes our pursuits and desires.

In addition, there are cases where people run out of passion and become totally burnt out, requiring a switch in career paths. I am not saying that it is bad, as people who choose money can also experience burnout, sometimes even faster than those who choose to pursue what they like.

Therefore, being able to stay in a job longer doesn’t necessarily depend on whether you choose passion or money but more on how resilient you are. The more resilient you are, the stronger your will to stay in a job.

Advice for Fresh Graduates

To all the fresh graduates out there, don’t stress over trying to determine the correct choice because there is no one correct answer. Choose the path you believe will lead you far, whether it’s driven by passion or money, as long as it aligns with your desires. However, this doesn’t mean you should act recklessly; make sure to think it through and have a brief plan in place.

For instance, I have chosen to pursue my passion in photography, but it doesn’t end there. What’s next? Consider exploring videography or venturing into content creation. Always have a rough plan to guide your journey. Additionally, have a backup plan (Plan B or even C) in case your initial plan doesn’t work out, so you won’t be thrown into a breakdown or feel lost without knowing what to do. However, if you are really clueless and need a career coach, you can reach out to us and request a 1-to-1 career coaching. 

Closing Remarks

I know it may sound scary how things may turn out; however, this is part of life and also the fun of life. Enjoy and learn from all your decisions, mistakes, opportunities, and challenges. For those who are ready to explore and apply for jobs, visit us at, where you can utilize our AI (TRAIN) in your job search to help you identify jobs that are relevant and match your resume.

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